Blister artifact formation due to organic solvent effects on Spurr's epoxy resin

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Taylor and Francis Online

Erişim Hakkı

CC0 1.0 Universal

Araştırma projeleri

Organizasyon Birimleri

Dergi sayısı


Wrinkles and air bubble artifacts may occur when preparing slides of semithin sections (0.5 ?m) from blocks embedded in different resins. More than aesthetically annoying, wrinkles and air bubble artifacts may prohibit study of small structures. Present observations suggest that organic solvent based mounting media may interact with the resin of the section. This sometimes causes wrinkles and air bubble artifacts in the sections that degrade the quality of light microscope images. We compared the quality of semithin sections of several tissues in different resins using various types of mounting media. We observed that sections from Spurr's resin have many more artifacts. In particular, small, 2–10 ?m round or oblong blister-like artifacts often plague our Spurr's resin sections. We demonstrate that Spurr's resin sections react with toluene and xylene in organic solvent based mounting media forming blisters, while sections from Araldite and L. R. White do not. We suggest combinations of embedding and mounting media for successful preparation of semithin sections for light microscopy without wrinkles, blisters, or air bubble artifacts.


Anahtar Kelimeler

artifacts, epoxy, light microscopy, mounting media, plastic sections, resin, Spurr's, toluene, xylene


Biotechnic & Histochemistry

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Scopus Q Değeri







Kayton, R.J. ve Aktas, R.G. (1998). Blister Artifact Formation Due to Organic Solvent Effects on Spurr’s Epoxy Resin Semi-thin Sections. Biotechnic&Histochemistry, Taylor and francis Online. 73(3), s. 157-163.