Maltepe Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi

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Güncel Gönderiler

Development of chondroblastic variant of osteosarcoma after root channel treatment in the base of maxillary sinus
(Georg Thieme Verlag, 2024) Balsak, Serdar; Yabul Çelik, Fatma; Atasoy, Bahar; Yurtsever, Ismail; Yozgat, Can Yilmaz; Akcay, Ahmet; Yuzkan, Sabahattin; Alkan, Alpay
A 21-year-old patient was admitted to the department of otolaryngology with complaints of swelling over the right side of the upper jaw for the last 6 past months. The patient also has difficulty in mastication as the size of the swelling had increased. The patient dental history was notorious for root canal treatment in the second molar tooth prior to the initiation of the swelling. The patient did not have any other illnesses and did not have any family history of malignancy. Of note, the patient did not have any notable addictions. The patient did not have any distant metastatic symptoms, and no other significant history of swellings anywhere else in his body. Physical examination in the department of otolaryngology revealed that around the second molar root expansible, rigid lesion was detected. Thus, the department of radiology was consulted and according to the patient’s maxilla-facial computed tomography (CT) showed that there was a 30×25 mm lesion in the nearby of the 2nd molar tooth. Also, the lesion resulted in bone destruction in the maxillary sinus base of the patient. The lesion in the center had diffused calcifications inside of the mass spreading throughout the maxillary sinus to retro molar trigon. Due to the central calcification content in the central of the lesion, the possibility of osteogenic tumour was thought ([Fig. 1]). To learn the contrast pattern of the lesion, contrasted maxilla-facial MRI was requested. According to the T2W sequence demonstrated that there was an increase in peripheral hyper intensity around the calcification lesion. Contrasted sequences revealed that demarcated thin peripheral and a central nodular enhancement was observed. The other parts of the imaging did not show any abnormalities ([Fig. 2]). A core needle biopsy was performed through intraoral route and the result of the biopsy report demonstrated that there was a cartilage tumour containing irregular lobulated areas. New bone formation was noted in areas compatible with the osteoid. There were many atypical looking chondroblastic variant of osteosarcoma cells. The result of pathological specimen was compatible with chondroblastic variant of osteosarcoma. Later, the patient was planned for mass excision.
Slx5/Slx8 SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase deficiency shortens lifespan due to increased mutation accumulation in yeast
(Oxford University Press, 2024) Thomas, Pınar Buket; Kaluç, Nur; Çavli, Irmak N.; Tuna, Bilge G.
Chronological lifespan (CLS) in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is defined as the time nondividing cells in saturation remain viable, has been utilized as a model to study post-mitotic aging in mammalian cells. CLS is closely related to entry into and maintenance of a quiescent state. Many rearrangements that direct the quiescent state enhance the ability of cells to endure several types of stress. SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligases (STUbLs) play a critical role in mediating an adaptive response to various stresses. In this study, we investigated the effect of a STUbL, Slx5/Slx8, on CLS in budding yeast. We showed that both SLX5 and SLX8 deletions accelerate chronological aging, resulting in a decreased maximum and mean lifespan. slx5Δ cells were capable of entering or maintaining a quiescent state during aging. On the other hand, aging slx5Δ and slx8Δ cells had both increased spontaneous mutation accumulation. Our data together indicate that Slx5/Slx8 STUBL is required for normal rate of aging by preventing increased spontaneous mutation accumulation during aging.
Health perceptions and risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in psychiatric patients
(Wiley, 2024) Öztürk, Şenay; Ata, Elvan Emine; Sarıtaş, Merve
Introduction: People with serious psychiatric disorders requiring long-term care and treatment are known to have higher rates of various physical diseases and early mortality. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate health perceptions and risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in patients with psychiatric disorders. Method: Data were collected from a group of 228 patients using the Health Perception Scale, the Metabolic Syndrome Assessment Form and the American Diabetes Association Diabetes Risk Test. Results: The patients had moderately positive health perceptions, 51.3% had moderate risk, 10.1% had high risk of metabolic syndrome, 27.6% were at risk for diabetes. Low health self-awareness was associated with higher diabetes and metabolic syndrome risk, and diabetes risk was also positively associated with metabolic syndrome risk. Discussion: The interrelatedness of health perceptions, diabetes risk and metabolic syndrome risk suggests the need for educational interventions focused on increasing awareness of self-care, nutrition, exercise and disease- and health-related issues specific to these patients. Implications for Practice: This study highlights the need for nurses to regularly screen patients with mental illness for diabetes and metabolic syndrome risk and to intervene accordingly.
“If your relationship is a swamp, your sister is like a hand that pulls you out of it”: Sisterhood as a source of support on relationship issues and dating violence
(Sage Publications, 2024) Tahmazoglu, Selin; Üstünel, Anıl Özge
Informal support systems play a crucial role in navigating romantic relations and coping with dating violence (DV), especially in emerging adulthood. Although research indicates that sisters can be an important source of such support, the question of how they communicate and assist each other on relationship issues and violence remains largely unexplored. The present qualitative study, adopting an ecological systems perspective, investigated what roles sisters play in each other’s dating experiences in Turkiye, a traditional and patriarchal sociocultural context with gradually increasing awareness about DV and gender equality among emerging adults. The sample consisted of 5 sister dyads aged 20–25. Data was collected through dyadic interviews and analyzed with an inductive thematic analysis approach. The dyads’ descriptions were categorized under two main themes: (a) protection from boundary violations and violence and (b) co-regulation and guidance in relationship management. The protective role of sisters entailed reminding each other of healthy boundaries and self-worth, checking for safety and warning signs, and showing solidarity. On the other hand, the regulatory role of sisters involved seeking and giving advice on conflict resolution, accompanying negative emotions, and coping with a breakup together. The findings demonstrate that sisters can become an essential source of support in the context of parental disapproval and limited communication about dating at the microsystem level and changing gender norms and socialization, along with the prevalence of gender-based violence at the macrosystem level. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of effective support processes in sisterhood and informal help-seeking for relationship issues and violence from a contextual and developmental lens. The findings point to the need to expand family-based DV prevention programs exclusively targeting parents.
Intraoperative diaphragmatic stimulation by a cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator presenting as hiccups
(Springer Nature, 2024) Aybar, Hüseyin
Pacemaker-related diaphragmatic contractions are a phenomenon encountered in cardiology practice. With informed consent from the patient, this letter reports a case of this condition under general anesthesia, presenting as hiccups. A 44-yr-old female patient with a history of back pain was diagnosed with lumbar stenosis and presented for posterior instrumentation surgery. She had a height of 163 cm and weight of 104 kg; her known comorbidities included obesity (body mass index [BMI], 39.1 kg m-2), type 2 diabetes, and nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy with a left bundle branch block and an implanted cardiac resynchronization therapy–defibrillator (CRT-D) device (INOGENTM X4 CRT-D model G148, Boston Scientific Corporation, Marlborough, MA, USA). General anesthesia (GA) was induced, the patient wa positioned prone, and neuromonitoring was initiated.Intravenous infusions of propofol and remifentanil were initiated for maintenance of GA. Preoperatively, a cardiologist reprogrammed the CRT-D device; the pacing mode was kept the same to ensure left ventricle (LV) functionality and tachycardia therapy was deactivated (even though magnet application effects on the device are the same as those of the abovementioned configuration, the prone position would have hindered the ability to maintain the position of the magnet).