Gig ekonomisinin havacılık sektöründeki geleceği / Future of Gig economy in aviation Industry
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İnan Eryılmaz
Erişim Hakkı
Son zamanlarda ekonomi ve çalışma ilişkileri alanında önemli bir kavram olarak önemi artan gig ekonomisinin, işveren-çalışan ilişkisini kökten değiştirmeye başladığı görülmektedir. Bağımsız çalışanların ve kendi kendinin patronu olanların oluştuğu bir ekonomi modeli olan gig ekonomisi, bireyler veya şirketler arasında kısa vadeli ve görev bazında yapılan işleri ve bunun karşılığında yapılan ödemeleri kapsayan bir ekonomi olarak tanımlanabilir. Geleneksel iş modellerinin yok edildiği yeni sistemde gig ekonomisi, ağ tabanlı işler ve lokasyon tabanlı işler olarak ayrılmaktadır. Buradan hareketle gig ekonomisinin hangi sektörlerde uygulanabileceği, hangi mesleklerin gig ekonomiye dahil olduğu ile ilgili çalışmalar yapılırken, günümüzde gig ekonomisine havacılık sektörünün de dahil olduğu görülmektedir. Sektörde özellikle uçuş ekibinin gig ekonomisinde yer almaya başlamasıyla, küresel veritabanı üzerinden pilot ve kabin ekibi gereksinimleri karşılanmaya başlanmıştır. Havacılık sektöründe gig ekonomisinin uygulanabilirliği tartışma konusu olurken, bu çalışmada, gig ekonomisinin havaalanındaki olası farklı meslekler üzerinde kullanılabileceği öngörülmektedir. Çalışmada öncelikle teorik bir analiz yapılmış, sonrasında havaalanındaki olası farklı mesleklerin gig ekonomisine uygulanabilirliği değerlendirilmiştir.
It is seen that gig economy, which has recently gained importance as an important concept in the field of economy and labor relations, has radically changed the employer-employee relationship. The gig economy, which is an economic model created by independent employees and self-bosses, can be defined as an economy that includes short-term and task-based work and pay-back between individuals or companies. In the new ecosystem, where traditional business models are destroyed, gig economy is divided into networkbased and location-based jobs. From this point of view, while gig economy can be applied in which sectors, which occupations are included in the gig economy, it is seen that aviation sector is included in gig economy today. As the flight crew started to take part in the gig economy, the pilot and cabin crew requirements were started to be met through the global database. While the applicability of the gig economy in the aviation sector has been the subject of discussion, the applicability of the gig economy on the different professions at the airport has been investigated in this study. In the study, firstly a theoretical analysis was made and then the applicability of different occupations in the airport to the gig economy was evaluated.
It is seen that gig economy, which has recently gained importance as an important concept in the field of economy and labor relations, has radically changed the employer-employee relationship. The gig economy, which is an economic model created by independent employees and self-bosses, can be defined as an economy that includes short-term and task-based work and pay-back between individuals or companies. In the new ecosystem, where traditional business models are destroyed, gig economy is divided into networkbased and location-based jobs. From this point of view, while gig economy can be applied in which sectors, which occupations are included in the gig economy, it is seen that aviation sector is included in gig economy today. As the flight crew started to take part in the gig economy, the pilot and cabin crew requirements were started to be met through the global database. While the applicability of the gig economy in the aviation sector has been the subject of discussion, the applicability of the gig economy on the different professions at the airport has been investigated in this study. In the study, firstly a theoretical analysis was made and then the applicability of different occupations in the airport to the gig economy was evaluated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gig Ekonomisi, Bağımsız Çalışanlar, Havacılık Sektörü, Havaalanı Meslekleri, Independent Workers, Aviation Industry, Airport Professions
Journal of Aviation Research
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şen, G., Arslan, A. H., ve Bütün, E. (2020). Gig ekonomisinin havacılık sektöründeki geleceği / Future of Gig economy in aviation Industry, Journal of Aviation Research, İnan Eryılmaz, 2(1), s.58-74.