Aile sağlığı merkezine başvuran yetişkin bireylerde COVID-19 korkusu ve depresif belirti düzeyi arasındaki ilişki / The relationship between COVID-19 fear and depressive symptom level in adults applying to family health center
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Cilt Başlığı
T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu çalışmada aile sağlığı merkezlerine başvuran 18 yaş ve üzeri bireylerde COVID-19 korkusu ve depresif belirti düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve demografik özelliklerin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metodlar: Kesitsel tipte planlanan bu araştırma 2022 yılı Ağustos ayında aile sağlığı merkezlerine başvuran 18 yaş ve üstü bireylerde yapıldı. Yüz yüze uygulanan anket formu tanımlayıcı sorular ile COVID-19 Korku Ölçeği ve Beck Depresyon Ölçeğinden oluşmaktaydı. Örneklem büyüklüğü 657 kişi olarak hesaplandı ve araştırma 799 kişi ile tamamlandı. İstatistiksel analizlerde ANOVA, t testi, Pearson Kikare testi ve korelasyon analizi testleri kullanıldı ve p<0,05 değeri anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Katılımcıların %49,3’ü COVID-19 geçirdiğini, %90,6’sı da en az bir doz COVID-19 ’a karşı aşı olduğunu belirtmiştir. Katılımcıların korku ölçeği puanı ortalaması 12,61±5,70 iken, Beck depresyon ölçeği puanı ortalaması 9,83±8,14 bulunmuştur. Depresyon ile COVID-19 korkusu arasında düşük düzeyde, pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma COVID-19 korkusu ve depresif belirtilerin hassas gruplarda daha yüksek düzeyde olabileceğini ve farklı grupların, pandemi şartlarından, psikososyal olarak farklı düzeylerde etkilenebileceğini göstermektedir. Bu nedenle toplum sağlığına bütüncül ve çoğulcu bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşılmalı, geliştirilen sağlık stratejilerinde toplumun geneliyle birlikte hassas gruplar da göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.
Aim: In this study, it was aimed to determine the levels of fear of COVID-19 and depressive symptoms in individuals aged 18 years and older who applied to family health centers and to evaluate demographic characteristics. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in individuals aged 18 years and older who applied to family health centers in August 2022. The face-to face questionnaire consisted of descriptive questions, COVID-19 Fear Scale and Beck Depression Scale. The sample size was calculated as 657 people and the study was completed with 799 people. ANOVA, t test, Pearson Chi-square test and correlation analysis tests were used in statistical analysis and p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: 49.3% of the participants reported having COVID-19, and 90.6% reported having received at least one dose of vaccination against COVID-19. The mean fear scale score of the participants was 12.61±5.70, while the mean Beck depression scale score was 9.83±8.14. A low-level, positive and significant relationship was found between depression and fear of COVID-19. Conclusion: The study shows that fear of COVID-19 and depressive symptoms may be higher in vulnerable groups and that different groups may be affected psychosocially at different levels by pandemic conditions. Therefore, public health should be approached from a holistic and pluralistic perspective, and vulnerable groups should be taken into consideration in the health strategies developed.
Aim: In this study, it was aimed to determine the levels of fear of COVID-19 and depressive symptoms in individuals aged 18 years and older who applied to family health centers and to evaluate demographic characteristics. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in individuals aged 18 years and older who applied to family health centers in August 2022. The face-to face questionnaire consisted of descriptive questions, COVID-19 Fear Scale and Beck Depression Scale. The sample size was calculated as 657 people and the study was completed with 799 people. ANOVA, t test, Pearson Chi-square test and correlation analysis tests were used in statistical analysis and p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: 49.3% of the participants reported having COVID-19, and 90.6% reported having received at least one dose of vaccination against COVID-19. The mean fear scale score of the participants was 12.61±5.70, while the mean Beck depression scale score was 9.83±8.14. A low-level, positive and significant relationship was found between depression and fear of COVID-19. Conclusion: The study shows that fear of COVID-19 and depressive symptoms may be higher in vulnerable groups and that different groups may be affected psychosocially at different levels by pandemic conditions. Therefore, public health should be approached from a holistic and pluralistic perspective, and vulnerable groups should be taken into consideration in the health strategies developed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beck, COVID-19, Depresyon, Korku, Pandemi, Fear
Maltepe Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Dursun, R., Arslan, Ş., Durmuş, H. ve Balcı, E. (2023). Aile sağlığı merkezine başvuran yetişkin bireylerde COVID-19 korkusu ve depresif belirti düzeyi arasındaki ilişki / The relationship between COVID-19 fear and depressive symptom level in adults applying to family health center, Maltepe Tıp Dergisi, T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 15(3), s.88-94.