SILS ıncisional hernia repair: Is it feasible in giant hernias? A report of three cases

Araştırma projeleri

Organizasyon Birimleri

Dergi sayısı


Aim. Three incisional ventral abdominal wall hernias were repaired by placing a 20 30cm composite mesh via single incision of 2cm. Methods. All three cases had previous operations and presented with giant incisional defects clinically. The defects were repaired laparoscopically via single incision with the placement of a composite mesh of 20 30cm. Nonabsorbable sutures were needed to hang and fix the mesh only in the first case. Double-crown technique was used in all of the cases to secure the mesh to the anterior abdominal wall. Results. The mean operation time was 120 minutes. The patients were mobilized and led for oral intake at the first postoperative day. No morbidity occurred. Conclusion. Abdominal incisional hernias can be repaired via single incision with a mesh application in experienced centers. © 2011 Umut Barbaros et al.


Anahtar Kelimeler


Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy

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