Engelli çocuklar sahip olan ailelerle yapılan hemşirelik lisansüstü tezlerinin incelenmesi: sistematik derleme
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Istanbul Aydin University
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Amaç: Bu sistematik derleme, engelli çocuklara sahip olan ailelerle yapılan hemşirelik alanındaki lisansüstü tezlerin incelenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, içeriğinde “engelli çocuk, hemşire, aile” kelimesi geçen lisansüstü tezlerin taranması şeklinde 1-10 Temmuz 2019 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirildi. Araştırma kapsamına dahil edilme kriterlerine göre 18 lisansüstü teze ulaşıldı. Bulgular: İncelenen lisansüstü tezlerin büyük çoğunluğunun (n=15) yüksek lisans tezi olduğu, %61.1 ile en fazla tezin (n=11) Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Hemşireliği Anabilim Dalı’nda yapıldığı ve %23.8’inin konu alanının ebeveyn ruh sağlığı (f=5) üzerine olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: Engelli çocuğu olan ailelerin fiziksel, duygusal, sosyal ve ekonomik yönlerden büyük bir yük altında oldukları görülmektedir. Hemşireler tarafından sağlanan bilgi, bakım, danışmanlık, eğitim ve destek girişimleri, engelli çocuğa sahip olan ailelerin yaşadıkları güçlüklerle baş edebilmesi, yaşam kalitesinin arttırılması ve uzun süreli bakımın devamlılığı açısından oldukça önemlidir.
Objective: This systematic review study was conducted to examine postgraduate nursing thesis with families with disabled children. Material and Methods: In this study, the postgraduate theses with the word “child with disability, nurse, family” were reviewed. The study was carried out between July 1st-10th, 2019. According to the inclusion criteria, 18 postgraduate thesis were examined. Results: It was found that the majority of studies (n=15) were master’s thesis, 61.1% (n=11) were conducted in the “Department of Child Health and Diseases Nursing” and 23.8% of the studies focused on parental mental health (f=5). Conclusion: It is clear these families with disabled children are under a great burden in terms of physical, emotional, social, and economic aspects. Information, care, counseling, education, and support initiatives provided by nurses are very important for families with children with disabilities to cope with their difficulties, to improve the quality of life, and to maintain longterm care.
Objective: This systematic review study was conducted to examine postgraduate nursing thesis with families with disabled children. Material and Methods: In this study, the postgraduate theses with the word “child with disability, nurse, family” were reviewed. The study was carried out between July 1st-10th, 2019. According to the inclusion criteria, 18 postgraduate thesis were examined. Results: It was found that the majority of studies (n=15) were master’s thesis, 61.1% (n=11) were conducted in the “Department of Child Health and Diseases Nursing” and 23.8% of the studies focused on parental mental health (f=5). Conclusion: It is clear these families with disabled children are under a great burden in terms of physical, emotional, social, and economic aspects. Information, care, counseling, education, and support initiatives provided by nurses are very important for families with children with disabilities to cope with their difficulties, to improve the quality of life, and to maintain longterm care.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Engelli, Çocuk, Hemşire, Aile, Ebeveyn, Disabled, Child, Nurse, Family, Parents
Tıp Fakültesi Klinikleri Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aközlü, Z. ve Ekim, A. (2020). Engelli çocuklar sahip olan ailelerle yapılan hemşirelik lisansüstü tezlerinin incelenmesi: sistematik derleme / Examination of postgraduate nursing thesis profiles with families with disabled children: systematic review. Tıp Fakültesi Klinikleri Dergisi, Istanbul Aydin University. 3(2), s. 85-98.