Are calculated ratios and red blood cell and platelet distribution width really important for the laryngeal cancer and precancerous larynx lesions

Küçük Resim Yok



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Wolters Kluwer

Erişim Hakkı


Araştırma projeleri

Organizasyon Birimleri

Dergi sayısı


Introduction: In this research, it is planned to investigate the differences in neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio, reticulocyte distribution width, and platelet distribution width values of groups of benign laryngeal lesion, precancerous laryngeal lesion, and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma and among patients with different stages of tumors in laryngeal carcinoma and precancerous laryngeal lesion groups, and whether these values carry a prognostic features. Materials and Methods: The investigated parameters determined from preoperative blood samples of patients have been compared among the groups and in the subgroups according to severity of illness in laryngeal carcinoma and precancerous laryngeal lesion groups. Also, the laryngeal carcinoma and precancerous laryngeal lesion groups were divided into two subgroups as good and poor prognosis and were compared with patients having good prognosis requiring no additional treatment during the follow-up, and the statistical significance of the differences was examined. Results: On comparison, statistically significant differences were only observed between the gross larynx carcinoma group and other lesions. Apart from that, when the values were evaluated in terms of prognosis, no significant statistical results were found in any of the values. Conclusion: Despite the significant statistical results seen in the gross tumors, it is known that there are more objective methods for identifying those lesions in clinical use. We conclude that caution should be exercised when using these new hematological parameters, which can be affected by many factors.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Inflammation, larynx, lymphocyte, neutrophil, red blood cell distribution width, thrombocyte


Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri






Kara, A., Güven, M., Demir, D., Yılmaz, M.S., Gündoğan, M.E. ve Genç, S. (2019). Are calculated ratios and red blood cell and platelet distribution width really important for the laryngeal cancer and precancerous larynx lesions. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, Wolters Kluwer. 22(5), s. 701-706.