Rezistif kuvvet sensörü uygulamasıyla uçak tuvaletleri vakum sistemlerinin iyileştirilmesi / Improvement of aircraft toilets vacuum systems with resistive force sensor application
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İnan Eryılmaz
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, jumbo jet uçaklarda bulunan vakumla çalışan tuvaletlerde meydana gelen kazaların rezistif kuvvet sensörüyle önlenmesi ile mevcut güvenlik açığının giderilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Modern havacılık tarihi sürecinde yaşanan vakum kazaları incelenmiş ve bu kazalar neticesinde üretici firmalar tarafından alınan önlemler detaylı bir şekilde araştırılmıştır. Alınan önlemlerin, mevcut tuvalet vakum sisteminin güvenilirliği tam olarak sağlamadığı ve ek önlem alınması gerekliliği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda tasarlanan elektronik kontrol düzeneği temel olarak, bir rezistif kuvvet sensörü, bir röle ve kontrol kartı olarak da Arduino Uno içermektedir. Gerçekleştirilen çalışma ile, hem vakum sisteminin güvenilir olması sağlanmış olacak hem de bu sistemdeki kazaların önüne geçilerek uçuş sürecinin aksaması önlenecektir.
In this study, its aimed to eliminate the existing security flaw by preventing accidents occurring in vacuumoperated toilets in jumbo jet aircraft by dint of a resistive force sensor. During modern aviation history accidents related to vacuum have been analyzed and precautions which were taken by manufacturers have been investigated in detail in consequence of accidents. It is recognised that precautions which were taken do not provide reliability of current vacuum-operated toilet system and additional precautions should be taken. The electronic control device designed in accordance with this purpose fundamentally consist of a resistive force sensor, a relay and Arduino Uno as a control card. Due to this study, both reliability of the vacuum system will be ensured, and flight process delays will be obstructed by preventing accidents in this system.
In this study, its aimed to eliminate the existing security flaw by preventing accidents occurring in vacuumoperated toilets in jumbo jet aircraft by dint of a resistive force sensor. During modern aviation history accidents related to vacuum have been analyzed and precautions which were taken by manufacturers have been investigated in detail in consequence of accidents. It is recognised that precautions which were taken do not provide reliability of current vacuum-operated toilet system and additional precautions should be taken. The electronic control device designed in accordance with this purpose fundamentally consist of a resistive force sensor, a relay and Arduino Uno as a control card. Due to this study, both reliability of the vacuum system will be ensured, and flight process delays will be obstructed by preventing accidents in this system.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Uçak, Rezistif Basınç Sensörü, Vakum Motoru, Tuvalet, Aircraft, Resistive Force Sensor, Vacuum Motor, Toilet
Journal of Aviation Research
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karaca, K. İ. ve Şengül, M. (2020). Rezistif kuvvet sensörü uygulamasıyla uçak tuvaletleri vakum sistemlerinin iyileştirilmesi / Improvement of aircraft toilets vacuum systems with resistive force sensor application, Journal of Aviation Research, İnan Eryılmaz, 2(1), s.45-57.