Ultrasound guided blockade of thoracoabdominal nerves through perichondrial approach (TAPA) for postoperative analgesia in abdominal surgeries: case series

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Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine

Erişim Hakkı

CC0 1.0 Universal

Araştırma projeleri

Organizasyon Birimleri

Dergi sayısı


Background and aims: Ultrasound guided (USG) ‘the blockade of ThoracoAbdominal nerves through Perichondrial Approach’(TAPA) is a new block we recently described. Its sensory block was reported between Th5-Th12 dermatomes from the mid-axillary line to mid-abdomen/sternum. The modification of TAPA (M-TAPA) was also effectively used in major abdominal surgeries. In this case series, we present TAPA and M-TAPA applied for postoperative analgesia in abdominal surgery patients. Methods: We performed TAPA and M-TAPA blocks unilaterally and bilaterally in abdominal surgery patients in our clinic after obtaining written informed consent. In M-TAPA, 20–30 mL of local anesthetic (LA) was applied interfascially between lower surface costochondral tissue and the upper fascia of the transversus abdominis muscle in the 9th and 10th midclavicular line. In TAPA, additional to this injection supplementary 10–20 mL of LA is applied between the upper surface of the condrium and the deep fascia of the external oblique muscle. Results: In 8 different operations, 4 patients had right, 9 patients had bilateral TAPA and 9 patients had M-TAPA. The types of surgery, ASA scores, 24-hour analgesic requirements, the numeric rating scale (NRS) scores followed for patients’ pain level are presented in table 1 and figure 1. The mean paracetamol and tramadol consumption were 2.36 ± 0.84 g/day 62.72 ± 49.29 mg/day respectively.


Anahtar Kelimeler


Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri





Tulgar, S. Şentürk, Ö. ve Selvi, O. (2019). Ultrasound guided blockade of thoracoabdominal nerves through perichondrial approach (TAPA) for postoperative analgesia in abdominal surgeries: case series. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine. 44, s. 224.