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Maltepe Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü tarafından 2019-2022 yıllarında çıkartılan AdHoc ve ScienceUp dergilerinde yayımlanan yazıları içermektedir.

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  • Yayın
    Energy aware based localization in wireless sensor networks
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2016) Mekelleche, Fatiha; Haffaf, Hafid
    During these last decades, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) upset the world. The need for a permanent surveillance of the natural phenomena and also the monitoring in various domains strengthened the interest for this new embarked computer age...
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    Attachment styles and marital status are predictors of PERMA mental well-being
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Ecer, Emrullah
    Attachment theory remarks that the quality of social interaction with parents and partners affect mental well-being. Previous research indicated that mental well-being of people decreased during outbreak. In this study the aim was to explore to what extent marital status and attachment styles overall modulate PERMA mental well-being. PERMA briefly refers to positive emotions, engagement, quality of relationships, meaning and accomplishment...
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    Limitation of the right to health of patients without COVID-19: legitimate protection of public health or unlawful discrimination?
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Vojcic, Špela
    The right to health is one of the fundamental human rights that seeks to ensure the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and, consequently, enables individuals around the world to live in dignity. All States have signed and ratified at least one of international treaties that guarantees the right to health, such as the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO). When implementing the right to health, the States shall guarantee freedoms and entitlements in accordance with the principle of non-discrimination and equality. Both human rights principles also constitute core obligation of States and shall be fully respected even when the right to health is limited due to health crisis, such as COVID-19 pandemic. To navigate the pandemic, national health care systems mostly focused on patients with COVID-19, resulting in a decrease in early detection of other diseases, such as cancer, and aggravation of health of patients who su er from illnesses other than COVID-19. Thus, the patients with(out) COVID-19 were discriminated on the basis of their health condition. The article addresses lawfulness of discrimination of “non-COVID-19 patients” and the possible infringement of their right to health under international law. The research focus is the analyse of the international obligations to provide right to health on equal terms to all patients, regardless of their type of disease, and assessment of measures taken by States in this regard. Restrictions on human rights during pandemic due to the patient’s illness would pose a dangerous precedent for handling the future health crisis.
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    Impact of the lockdown due to the pandemic on the students of the hellenic open university
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Gareiou, Zoe
    The emergence of COVID-19 disease and its rapid spread makes it a dangerous pandemic. Governments around the world, in order to limit its contagion, impose restrictions, such as lockdown, social and physical distancing and avoiding in person learning. The implementation of restrictive measures has affected various sectors of society and has a major impact on the psychological state of the general population. Education is equally affected, affecting the mental health of students, causing the emergence of various negative emotions. The present study investigates the effects of the lockdown on the students of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), in terms of their mental health and education, using a structured questionnaire, which was sent to the HOU students electronically. The questionnaire consisted of three parts. The first part contained questions about student education. In the second part, students were asked to respond to their state of mental and emotional health, during the last two weeks before the lifting of the lockdown. In the third part the socio-demographic data of the respondents were recorded. A total of 1,504 questionnaires were collected, which were considered valid and analyzed. Simple descriptive statistics and chi-square test were conducted to statistically analyse the data and investigate the important statistical correlations between the questions and the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The results show that during the lockdown, although the students had more time for their studies and there was the necessary calm and physical disposition to do so, the absence of calm, mood and mental disposition, negatively affected them, so that they could engage more intensively in their studies. It seems that the students of HOU were negatively affected by the restrictive confinement measures, mainly in terms of the psychological part, showing an absence of calm, mood and mental disposition.
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    Intergenerational communications in the era of the pandemic: a new perspective on generations
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Andreev, Andrei
    Human societies do not only consist of different races, classes, castes or genders but also different generations coexisting with each other at the same time and place. Each generation has its own way of thinking. The intergenerational gap is the di erence of opinions between one generation and another regarding beliefs, policies, or values. Incredibly drastic changes, the need for constant coexistence in one place, the differentiation of communication platforms and the value differences have made intergenerational communications more and more relevant. We use Transactional Analysis (Eric Berne) to see how behavior and social relationships reflect an interchange between parental (critical and nurturing), adult (rational), and childlike (intuitive and dependent) aspects of personality established early in life...
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    Sputnik V and the political Fall of Igor Matovic
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Rabina, Daniel
    The work of Igor Matovi? as a Slovak Prime Minister from March 2020 to April 2021 became an instructive example of a political career, which could be named "From Hero to Zero.” Matovic´s political fall is presented by the prestigious foreign media Foreign Policy or the New York Times as an exemplary case of failed execution of the COVID-19 pandemic. The interest of foreign media turned this local topic into an example for a wider community interested in political and media topics. We decided to pay attention to the moment that had the most significant international reach in Matovic’s resignation story. The circumstances of obtaining Sputnik V vaccines and the subsequent steps leading to a major political crisis...
  • Yayın
    Positive and negative psychosocial consequences of working remotely in the pandemic
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Çakar, Elif
    With the Covid-19 pandemic, radical changes have occurred in people's lives. Especially in human relations, the inability to perform social activities as before, the use of technology and changes in psychosocial processes that people experience during the pandemic process have increased. The Covid-19 epidemic, which affects the whole world, has caused radical changes in our working life. Most of the large companies in our country have also started working remotely. During the social isolation period that came with the epidemic, the demand of employees to work remotely has also increased. There were also differences in interpersonal relationships during remote work and isolation processes...
  • Yayın
    Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their use of an intelligent tutoring system for English language proficiency
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Ballantyne, Derek
    Language proficiency of university students is a contentious issue in South Africa because many students are not studying in their home language and are required to be academically proficient in a language that is not their own. This takes on a new dimension for pre-service teachers studying to become English home language teachers. A further challenge is the lack of resources available to support low performing students. This study aimed to examine pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their use of an Intelligent Tutoring System that was incorporated in an English language module in a Bachelor of Education degree...
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    The pandemic, digitalization or digital transformation?
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Bashllari, Silva
    Much has been discussed regarding the impact that the pandemic has had as an accelerator of the digital economy. A variety of terms have been used: digitization, digitalization and at times goes as far as digital transformation or even digital revolution. The main aim of this paper is to deconstruct from a theoretical perspective the semantics of the above mentioned terminology and what each would infer for the approach of businesses. Based on that theoretical construct, it aims to analyze which of those actually occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is in fact, an acceleration on digitalization and not digital transformation or digital revolution. To conclude, this study aims to emphasise the importance of digital transformation and even revolution in how we conduct business and in society overall, as a more detailed and long term planned approach. It is of imperative importance for us to be able to distinguish between concepts as a first step to correctly understand and then implement digital strategies that will define the future of our society, on business and as well as other domains.
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    The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on human rights
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Soni, Yashna; Alluri, Sai Sree Sruthi; Anand, Swapnil
    As the world continues to succumb to the ill effects of the coronavirus, one of the major issues that has been and is brewing since the pandemic hit the world is of human rights laws. During the pandemic, nationwide lockdowns were imposed in various countries which enhanced the value of human rights policies and shifted the major focus of the countries towards it. The research highlights the shortcomings that many countries witnessed at the global level in light of the loopholes in the human right policies so that society as well as individuals decry the mistakes and learn from those to be better equipped if the world faces a pandemic again. The main focus of the research is India, which recently accounted for nearly half of the coronavirus cases worldwide. The study analyses the grey areas which lead to the human right violations pivoting around the migrant labour crisis, the reopening of the economy, public health mismanagement, educational crisis and xenophobia using quantifiable data. The fundamental cause that caused the majority of human rights violations could be associated with a lack of awareness by the people and the fiasco of the government to manage the disaster. The study further drills down to emphasise the roots of the issues that caused the human right violations. The research emphasises the significance of human rights in the need of hour. The pandemic brought the whole world on its knees but even in the most unpropitious situations, human rights should not be ever compromised.
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    Adapt of business environment to pandemic in the new future
    (Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2021) Hamidi, Shabana Nikzad
    The present article has been compiled with a long-term view and according to the new conditions affected by the spread of epidemics in the new future. In the content of the article, in the first part, the business conditions of developing countries affected by the epidemic crises are examined to take an appropriate approach to maintain and strengthen the economies of developing countries, especially in the field of improving the business environment. In the second part, new technologies are considered as a tool to move towards e-government, which has boundaries beyond the government, including government, businesses, and non-governmental organizations and organizations. The third section includes approaches to changing the paradigm of existing and new businesses to adapt to the post-epidemic conditions. In this regard, the use of knowledge-based ideas and new approaches are introduced with a look at successful models around the world and appropriate policies to achieve them. Empowerment is also considered as an approach to strengthen and solidify businesses that can be implemented with various tools such as training and knowledge-based businesses. The fourth section includes strengthening deregulation and facilitating the issuance of business licenses. Finally, long-term policy recommendations are provided.
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    Preoperative fasting time: What do the guidelines say? What are we doing?
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Erdoğan, Büşra; Soytürk, Ece Sümeyra; Kurt, Batuhan; Demirkol, Vesile; Demirdağ, Hatice; Akgün, Meftun; Thomas, Pınar Buket; Öner, Çağrı; Avcı Alpar, Demet; Erkut, Zeynep
    General anesthesia for both elective and emergency surgical patients reduces regurgitation and aspiration of stomach contents. Therefore, one fo the implementations included in the pre- surgical physiological preparation is preoperative fasting. The purpose of fasting is to reduce the risk of regurgitation and aspiration by reducing the volume and acidity of stomach contents during surgery. In the traditional approach, patients in our country and earth are prevented from receiving solid and liquid food after midnight. According to the recommendations of guidelines, it is stated that in adults, it is sufficient to cut solid food six hours before surgery, clear liquid two hours before surgery, breast milk for babies four hours before and cow milk before six hours. These times are also safe for obese patients, children, diabetic and gastrointestinal reflexes. However, it is observed that pre- surgery periods of solid/liquid restriction have been much higher than the times specified in the guidelines. When we look at the literature, it appears that preoperative fasting times have extended up to 15-25 hours. Failure to properly adjust the fasting time in the preoperative period can result in poor nutrition, inadequate nutrition, blood-glucose level changes, decreased dehydration, reduced response to medical treatment and adversely affected by the condition of good behavior during the post-operative period. Research suggests that the standard approach to fasting is an application that results in undesirable results, while short periods of starvation increase the patient’s well-being. Although long periods of strict-liquid food restriction before surgery are harmful and unnecessary, the traditional practice is to provide ease of changing the surgical plans of the hunger principle from midnight, the belief that patients will have difficulty adapting to short periods of hunger, that patients do not understand the reasons for food-liquid restriction well enough, it is seen that our country is still solid because there are no institutional policies related to nutrient-liquid restriction and health personnel do not have enough information about the matter. Nurses with preconditional responsibilities in the care of surgical patients should follow evidence-based quides and scientific developments regarding preoperativefasting periods and collaborate with the team to ensure that patients are protected from unnecessary long-term fasting during the preoperative period and to apply reliable fasting periods for safety, comfort and improvement quality
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    University pressure and socio-economic factors- good predictors of somatic complaints in university students?
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Radenkov, Igor; Gavrilova, Nina; Mladenoska, Natasha; Thomas, Pınar Buket; Öner, Çağrı; Avcı Alpar, Demet; Erkut, Zeynep
    Background: Psychosomatic disorder is a psychological condition characterized by a manifestation of various nonspecific and ambiguous somatic symptoms that cannot be explained by any organic pathology. These somatic complaints are highly prevalent in young, healthy populations and although very common, can cause much distress and feelings of guilt and misunderstanding. The aim of our study was to estimate the percentage of university students in Skopje, North Macedonia suffering from somatic complaints and/or disorders and to try and find association between these symptoms with various factors from the personal and professional lives of these students. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was designed. For this goal, an online Google Forms survey was created containing the PHQ - 15(Patient Health Questionnaire), which contains 15 questions that pertain to various psychosomatic symptoms the students might have experienced during the last 7 days. The score can range from 0-30, with >5 indicating mild, >10 moderate and >15 severe somatization. In addition to these 15 questions, the study contained 20 other questions which aimed to provide information about the previous mental health profile of the participants (including previous history of psychosomatic complaints), the current socio- economic circumstances of the students, as well as the academic profile of each student. The Google Forms survey was open from the 17th of February to the 27th of March 2022. The survey was distributed among university students in Skopje, North Macedonia. Results: There were a total of 181 participants in the study, out of whom, 25 met the PHP-15 criteria for a psychosomatic disorder. There were significant correlations between somatization symptoms and underperforming in university according to ones self- expectations(OR=4.09;CI=1.69-9.9;p=0.0018), previous history of similar somatic complaints(OR=3.73;CI=1.54-9.03;p=0.0035),working full time while studying(OR=3.34;CI=1.4-7.93;p=0.0062) and placing very high importance on university studies in one's life(OR=2.75;CI=1.16-6.54;p=0.0217). Conclusion: Our study determined that almost a sixth of the participating university students met the criteria for psychosomatic disorder. Despite this, especially in young populations, these symptoms can be seen as banal, hypochondriac complaints even by experienced clinicians. This is very important as psychosomatic disorders have high burden on the social and professional functioning of the sufferers, reducing everyday performance and general well- being, prompting a more careful approach by clinicians when encountering individuals with such symptoms.
  • Yayın
    Are social media the villain or the hero in the healthcare industry?
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Gkizari, Paola Michaela; Theofanidis, Dimitris; Thomas, Pınar Buket; Öner, Çağrı; Avcı Alpar, Demet; Erkut, Zeynep
    Introduction: September 2006 was a watershed moment in the world’s history with Facebook opening its doors to the general public. Ever since, the power of social media influences both our personal lives and businesses with breathtaking speed. In spite of the fact that it is unclear whether it is ethical to parallel a hospital with an enterprise or not, reputation and public satisfaction-based on experience have played a vital role in the realm of preference for both of them. Purpose: The pandemic has done a good job of enhancing trends like digitalization and remote working only to make social medias’ dominion inescapable. Social media are hinted at as the fifth estate however, more often than not, they are profiled as the antagonist. Can they optimize healthcare or once again, are they up to no good? Methodology: A bibliographic searched was performed in the electronic database “Pubmed” and through the search engine “Google Scholar” with the keywords: social media, nursing, care. Articles were excluded if English or Greek were not the main language. Results: A clinic’s performance in the sphere of patient experience is generally determined by using systematic surveys with close-ended questions, but patient-generated narrative feedback through the comments on social media, can lead to more specific results to identify the components of care that contribute to patient satisfaction. When it comes to using social networks in Greece’s healthcare, we still have a long way to go. For now, nearly every health center has a facebook page where you can find information on its location and how to get there as well as the hospital’s phone number, email, messenger and official website. Most importantly, you can see the “customer’s” reviews from the ratings and the comments. Social media have great potential for bettering the quality of healthcare we provide even though there is minimum effort for them to be submerged into hospitals. The lack of regulation, the absence of necessary equipment and privacy issues seem to pull the plug on any ongoing procedures.
  • Yayın
    Plasma therapy in patients with erectile dysfunction associated with corona viruse disease (Covid-19)
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Pryima, Solomiia; Styranivska, Olena; Thomas, Pınar Buket; Öner, Çağrı; Avcı Alpar, Demet; Erkut, Zeynep
    Erectile dysfunction is an inability to achieve or to maintain erection, which is necessary for sexual intercourse. It is divided into psychogenic, organic and mixed. Organic is the most common form. It can be vascular, neurogenic and endocrine. Vascular organic erectile dysfunction amounts around 80%. Usually atherosclerosis and hypertension are the causes .It is accepted the COVID-19 to be a respiratory disease. However, the latest research revealed that the virus has been damaging genitals. It penetrates anywhere where blood vessels are. Penis is highly vascularized organ of body. Fundamentally, virus disrupts blood circulation. Deficiency of endothelin, common in patients with severe course of the coronavirus disease, makes smooth myocytes of arteries impossible to relax and to start latent phase of erection.According to European Association of Urologists researches , the plasma therapy of penis in combination with phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors(PDE5) or intracavernous prostaglandin E1 injections (PGE1) greatly intensify effect of these drugs . We studied development of erectile dysfunction(ED) in association with COVID-19, risk factorsoferectiledysfunctionoccurrence,andalso efficiencyandsafetyofplasmatherapyin 15 sexually active patients aged 35-65 years. Methods included International Index of Erectile Function(IIEF-5) and Penile Doppler Ultrasound. According to IIEF-5, all patients were divided into groups: mild degree ( 8 patients), moderate degree -5, and severe degree -2. The initial results of Penile Doppler Ultrasound in men with erectile dysfunction revealed significantly reduced peak systolic velocity( about twice) and increased peak diastolic velocity. After one month of plasma therapy treatment in combination with basic therapy, the indices of Penile Doppler Ultrasound approached normal values. Moreover, 37% of men noticed prolongation of sexual intercourse. Results: The results give a possibility to say that, surely, virus persists not only into lungs and kidneys, but also in male genitals and is saved there for a long time. The risk factors of the coronaviruse disease(COVID-19) and erectile dysfunction(ED) are similar. Patients,60 y.o. with chronic circulatory disorders are in group of the increased risk. Plasma therapy in combination with basic therapy improves efficiency of treatment and facilitate prolongation sexual intercourse. Plasma therapy in patients with erectile dysfunction on the background of COVID-19 is safe and efficient.
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    The development of rational drug use in the elderly during Covid- 19
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Sönmez, Şeymanur; Lale, Rabia Helin; Kiper, Fatma; Koldaş, Tuğçe; Ekici, Emine; Thomas, Pınar Buket; Öner, Çağrı; Avcı Alpar, Demet; Erkut, Zeynep
    Introduction: Inappropriate drug use and polypharmacy are common problems in the elderly. It is known that this situation may lead to decreased functionality, fragility, cognitive deterioration, urinary incontinence, malnutrition, falls, and an increase in the risk of hip fracture. The COVID-19 pandemic has infected millions of people all over the world and caused many deaths. It has been shown that this disease can be transmitted from person to person, especially adults are susceptible to COVID-19, and the severity of the disease is related to age. It has been reported that the access to medicine and rational drug use attitudes and behaviors of the elderly were affected during the COVID-19 pandemic process. Rational drug use is extremely important, especially in the elderly population, and the responsibility of regularly evaluating drug use belongs to health professionals.. Aim: The aim of this project is to determine the drug use behaviors of the elderly during the COVID-19 process, to define the effects of the COVID-19 process on the drug use of the elderly, and to develop the awareness of rational drug use in the elderly. Materials and Methods: The data will be collected by the researchers in the family health center determined in Sancaktepe district by face-to-face survey method, by taking COVID-19 precautions. After the researchers give information about the project to the elderly individuals who meet the research acceptance criteria, they will apply the Introductory Characteristics Form and the Older's Drug Use Behaviors Scale to those who agree to participate in the project in the first stage. With these data, irrational drug use attitudes and behaviors of elderly individuals will be determined. In the second stage, in line with the information determined from the previous data, individual training will be given to the elderly individuals in order to raise the awareness of rational drug use. (their medications, side effects, etc.) In the third stage, the post- test will be applied 3 weeks after the training. The data obtained will be analyzed in the SPSS statistical program. Project outputs will be converted into articles for publication in an international journal. The results of the study will be shared with the students of Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing. In addition, the results of the project will be shared with the physicians and nurses working in the family health center where the research is applied, and information will be given about the main problems identified in the elderly individuals related to rational drug use.
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    Synthesize, characterization and activity test of Fe2O3 immobilized in SiO2 from bamboo leaves for methylene blue photooxidation
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Putra, Rizky; Boğa, Rengin; Sezen, Efe Haşim
    It has been conducted a research on the producing of iron-silica oxide (Fe2O3@SiO2) composite made from bamboo leaves and its application as a photocatalyst for photodegradation of methylene blue. The bamboo leaves were calcinated at the temperature of 600 °C to produce bamboo leaves ash. The preparation of silica (SiO2) was performed by reflux method from bamboo leaves ash. Meanwhile, the iron-silica oxide (Fe2O3@SiO2) composite was prepared by using 0.17 M FeCl3, 0.4 M NaOH, and silica (SiO2). The characterization of the composite was performed by SEM-EDX, DR-UV, GSA, and XRD. The photocatalyst activity test for photooxidation of methylene blue was carried out in a closed reactor equipped with UV light. In the photocatalyst activity test studied the effect of the weight of the catalyst on the time variation and the effect of variations in the concentration of methylene blue in the photooxidation process. The results of the photocatalyst activity test were analyzed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The test results showed that the weight of the catalyst depends on the concentration of methylene blue used, wherein methylene blue 5 ppm and 10 ppm the optimum catalyst weight was at 0.01 gram and in methylene blue 20 ppm the optimum catalyst weight was at 0.1 gram. The photocatalyst activity test on the variation of methylene blue concentration showed that the higher the concentration of methylene blue was analyzed, the ability of iron-silica oxide (Fe2O3@SiO2) on methylene blue photooxidation decreased and the optimum methylene blue concentration was 5 ppm.
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    Clinical case of infertility with large uterine fibroid
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Awais, Momin Mohammed; Ch.A., Stakeeva; G. Zh., Zholdoshbekova; B.D., Toguzbaeva; J.N., Amiraev; R.S., Asakeeva; K.D., Aitbek; Thomas, Pınar Buket; Öner, Çağrı; Avcı Alpar, Demet; Erkut, Zeynep
    Introduction: Uterine leiomyoma is one of the most common benign tumors of the female reproductive system. A special group of patients are women of reproductive age, among whom the incidence of the disease is 40–50% Aim. To present a complex clinical case of large uterine fibroid, complicated by infertility, in the absence of observation in a medical organization. Methods: An analysis was made of the provision of medical care to a patient of reproductive age with uterine myoma complicated by infertility. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Results: Patient T.A., 37 years old, a housewife, was admitted to the gynecology department, for planned surgical treatment with complaints of an enlarged abdomen, aching pain in the lower abdomen, and difficulty urinating. An. morbi: for the first time, small-sized uterine fibroids (d -2 cm) were diagnosed 7 years ago, when examining a patient for infertility. However, over the past 6 years, she was not observed and first applied 4 months ago, when the above complaints began to bother. On USG: a subserous-interstitial node is determined along the posterior wall of the uterus, deforming the outer contour and uterine cavity, reduced echogenicity, rounded shape, clear and even contours, 142 x 141 mm in size. The volume of the body of the uterus is 1110.63 cm3. On CDI moderate intramedullary blood flow is determined. For the purpose of preoperative preparation, to reduce the volume of the myomatous node by reducing its blood supply, agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH agonists) were prescribed for a period of 3 menstrual cycles. The patient, after outpatient treatment for 2 menstrual cycles, was admitted for planned surgical treatment with diagnosis: Subserous - intramural uterine fibroid of large size. Infertility I. Ultrasound results : a decrease in the volume of the uterine body to 1010.53 cm3, a decrease in the size of the subserous- interstitial node to 132*130 mm. CDI reduction of blood flow in the myomatous node. Given the positive effect of preoperative preparation with GnRH agonists, it was decided to perform a conservative myomectomy by laparotomy . Operative treatment in a planned manner: Laparotomy by Pfannenstiel, conservative myomectomy. Anesthesia - spinal anesthesia. Intraoperative blood loss was 450 ml. The postoperative period was uneventful, the patient received antibacterial, uterotonic, antianemic therapy, adequate pain relief, prevention of thromboembolic complications. Ultrasound data 5 days after the operation: The scar on the uterus is wealthy. Condition after surgery. On the 6th day after the operation, the patient left the hospital with the following recommendations: 1. Continue GnRH agonists for 1 menstrual cycle. 2. Control ultrasound 1 month after the operation. 3. Continue antianemic therapy. 4. Planning for pregnancy after 6 months of the postoperative period. Ultrasound 40 days after surgery: The uterus is of normal size, in the anteflexio position. Length - 66 mm , width - 57mm, front -rear size - 42mm. The contours are even, the echostructure is homogeneous. The cavity is clean. The thickness of the endometrium is 6 mm. The patient began to take dienogest 2 mg according to the scheme. Conclusion: The presented clinical case is an example of the management of patients with uterine myoma in combination with infertility. The use of GnRH agonists preoperative preparation with made it possible to reduce the blood supply to the fibroids, slightly reduce its size and reduce intraoperative blood loss.
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    The balance between space and mind
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Faisca, Adriana; Boğa, Rengin; Sezen, Efe Haşim
    The body of architecture. The space we roam freely, we wander without thinking and balance us. Harmony. Body. Space. Mind. The body of architecture meets our body and allows us to walk, feel and live through it. We observe its nature and feel its vibrations. Architecture, as a body, a constructed work, reflects on us like a mirror and creates emotions. This study seeks to understand the sensorial dimension of architecture, a living organism that changes over time and transforms others. The conditions that influence the architect's design, taking into account the emotional impact on the inhabitant. Finally, analyze a case study that lives from this premise. Thus, the study crosses different references, and identifies: i) The importance of the quality of space in architecture; ii) The impact of space on the inhabitant.
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    Han trading bot
    (T.C. Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2022) Boğa, Rengin; Sezen, Efe Haşim
    Algorithmic trading is a type of trading that use algorithms to follow a trend and define a set of instructions for executing a trade. The transaction has the ability to earn revenue at an inhumanely high pace and frequency. The program is given a set of defined trading guidelines that are based on timing, value, amount, or any mathematical model. Apart from providing lucrative trading opportunities, algo-trading makes the market more liquid and trading more exact by eliminating the impact of human emotions on trading. The major exchange platforms where we may trade, such as Binance, aim to blow up these bots on a regular basis (Whales eat little fish.) As a result, it appears the trading bots with huge volumes that use a simple strategy over a period of time will struggle to outperform these markets. We are determined to construct a lay low trading system for the crypto exchange markets in this project. To avoid blow-up system in Exchange platforms we won’t be handling huge volumes instead we’ll focus on low volumes with more trades to close the gap. We'll use previous data to train the system and try to outperform the market.
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