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    A brief review of the ımpact of some web 2.0 tools on language learners’ motivation / Bazı web 2.0 araçlarının dil öğrencilerinin motivasyonu üzerindeki etkisine dair bir değerlendirme
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Kurukaya, Merve
    This study is a literature review design aimed at examining the impact of Web 2.0 tools on learners' motivation. Previous research on the use of Web 2.0 tools in education and the role of technology in enhancing student motivation was systematically reviewed. The literature review reveals that interactive tools, especially platforms like Quizizz, play a significant role in increasing students' interest in learning and strengthening their motivation. Studies show that these tools enhance student engagement, make the learning process more appealing, and positively affect students' academic performance. This paper discusses how Web 2.0 tools can be used more effectively in education and how their integration into teaching practices leads to positive outcomes for students. Additionally, it evaluates the potential of technology use in education to boost student motivation and improve the overall learning experience.
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    EFL teachers’ self-efficacy, reflective teaching, and sense of teaching style as predictors of their job satisfaction in Iraqi kurdistan / Irak kürdistanı'nda ingilizce öğretmenlerinin öz yeterliliği, yansıtıcı öğretimi ve öğretme stili anlayışı, iş tatmininin belirleyicileri olarak
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Namiq, Faraidoon
    EFL teachers play a pivotal role in the success of educational systems. This study aimed to achieve two main objectives: first, to explore the relationship among EFL teachers' self-efficacy, reflective teaching, and sense of teaching style; second, to identify which of these variables predict job satisfaction among EFL teachers. To achieve these aims, a total of 120 EFL teachers from Iraqi Kurdistan were selected using convenience sampling from schools in Hawler, Sulaimani, and Halabja. Data were gathered through the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale, the English Language Teaching Inventory, the Teachers' Sense of Teaching Style Questionnaire, and the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire. The analysis revealed significant relationships among the variables. Furthermore, findings highlighted that reflective teaching was the only significant predictor of job satisfaction among EFL teachers in Iraqi Kurdistan.
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    Education 4.0 and artificial ıntelligence: Revolutionary technologies in language learning / Eğitim 4.0 ve yapay zeka: Dil öğreniminde devrim yaratan teknolojiler
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Akay, Sinem
    This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on language learning within the framework of Education 4.0. The primary objective is to examine how AI technologies contribute to personalized, flexible, and student-centered learning experiences. The methodology involves a systematic review of 10 academic articles sourced from the IEEE Xplore database. The sample consists of studies that assess AIbased language learning applications and platforms. The findings indicate that AI significantly personalizes learning pathways, providing real-time feedback, and promotes greater learner autonomy. However, limitations were identified in terms of scalability and emotional interaction. The study offers important insights into how AI is transforming language learning processes while also emphasizing the need for further research to enable broader adoption and to overcome current technological and emotional challenges.
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    Psychological and pedagogical cooperation between school and family in the child’s professional adaptation / Çocuğun mesleğinde okul ve aile arasındaki psikolojik ve pedagojik işbirliği
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Zholchieva, Ainuru; Zherebayeva, Laula; Abdullaeva, Nazi
    This study deals with case study research on parental involvement in students' education and academic growth in high school. Parent involvement in a students’ education is found to be positively associated with a student's academic performance. However, there has not been much investigation of the mechanisms that explain this cooperation. The present study investigates the potential mechanism of this cooperation: the quality of the teacherstudent relationship. The data was gathered through case study interviews, questionnaires, and classroom observations. It is recommended to recognize that we are dealing with a new generation of students in the 21st century, characterized by self-love, value, confidence, and belief in their future life. The activities during the research were carried out with the 116 parents of students aged 13-17, starting with the 7th to 11th grades. Findings showed that several factors limit the effectiveness of parental involvement in education, including high-stress levels due to divorce, an increase in single-parent families, and the complexity of modern life. The research concludes that parents and teachers should work together to guide students toward their future and invest more time in them, showing interest, listening to and analyzing their thoughts, and correcting their mistakes.
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    The ımpacts of using classroom walls as ındirect learning materials on second language learners' learning / Sınıf duvarlarının dolaylı öğrenme materyali olarak kullanılmasının ikinci dil öğrenenlerin öğrenmesine etkisi
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Çakıcı, Begüm
    This quantitative study explored the effects of using classroom walls as indirect material on the learning of L2 learners. 22 Turkish primary school students formed the participant group for the study. Participants were given a pre-test about the target topic, which they had never learned in the course before, and the results were reported. Materials related to the target topic were hung on the classroom wall. These materials were changed every 3 days. During this period, nothing related to this subject was covered in the course. At the end of 30 days, the same test was applied to the students as a post-test again and the results were given. The results of these two tests were compared. Students performed more correct answers on the post-test. It was concluded that using classroom walls as indirect teaching method has a positive effect on students' learning the target subject.
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    Novice EFL teachers' beliefs and practices during online education for young learners / Meslekte yeni EFL öğretmenlerinin ilkokul öğrencilerine uzaktan eğitimdeki inançları ve uygulamaları
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Savlak, Oylum
    The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted global sectors, including education. To curb the virus's spread, the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended social distancing, prompting shifts to remote learning. In Turkey, the Ministry of Education transitioned to emergency remote teaching in March 2020. This study examines Turkish novice EFL teachers' beliefs and practices in teaching English to young learners online during the Spring 2021 term. It explores their perspectives on being novice teachers, implementing activities for four language skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing), and using digital tools in online education. Four second-grade teachers from private schools in Istanbul, Kocaeli, and Izmir participated. Conducted via Zoom, the semi-structured interviews asked teachers to compare online and in-class activities and discuss the challenges of virtual classroom management and teaching different language skills. Findings indicate that teaching productive skills online is more challenging than receptive skills, with writing identified as particularly difficult. Teachers felt that being a novice was advantageous due to their technological proficiency as they mainly adapted tasks for the online setting. As education continues to evolve in response to global challenges, the experiences of these teachers can inform ongoing and future educational practices, particularly in contexts requiring rapid transition to online formats.
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    Family concept within the absurd tradition: A study of Arthur Kopit / Absürd gelenek içinde aile kavramı: Arthur Kopit üzerıne bir inceleme
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Bilginer Halefoğlu, Selen
    This study focuses on an absurdist play in which examples of familial relationships can be found, showing how each member of the family is affected by the unhealthy environment within the family. The study provides an introduction to the Theatre of the Absurd and highlights its philosophy, which is to ''express the senselessness of the human condition. Arthur Kopit is an important representative of this school, in which he wanted to show the lack of meaning in life. He wanted to force the audience to search for a more truthful and essential life by showing and exposing the absurd in ordinary everyday situations. Oedipal undertones are highlighted in the play Oh Dad Poor Dad Mama's Hang You in The Closet and I'm Feelin' so Sad, which is about a domineering wife and her overprotected son and her dead husband, whose body keeps falling out of a closet during the play. And answers are sought to the questions of how it affects children when hidden complexes or abnormalities appear in the mother, and what happens when the child cannot fully resolve its Oedipal conflict.
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    Characterization in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Wives and Daughters: A romantic reading / Elizabeth Gaskell’in Eşler ve Kızlar adlı eserinde karakterizasyon: Romantik bir okuma
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Zare Zadeh, Ali; Sabouri, Hossein; Ramazani, Abolfazl; Matanaq, Roghayeh Lotfi
    The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of the Romantic era on the development of the Hamley family and the effect of the surrounding environment on Osborne and Roger. We argue that, despite being a Victorian novel, in Wives and Daughters (1986), Elizabeth Gaskell tries to distinguish the characters in harmony with the Romantic elements. In order to fill the gap, literary movements, including Early Fiction, Victorianism, and Feminism are not the primary concern of this paper. Our findings indicate that the Squire is a conservative figure, who yearns to return to the traditional ways of life that is akin to the conservative Early Romantics. Since the Squire detests the society, he retreats to Nature. Squire allows his feelings to overcome his mind and reason. Likewise, Osborne’s talent in poetry portrays the younger generation of Romantic movement. The Romantics revolt against the conventional laws and materialism. Osborne, seeking solitude and individualism, rebels against the materialism of his father. Osborne’s death implies juvenile spirit of Romanticism. Unlike Romantic Osborne, Roger, as a scientist, is realistic. Through Osborne and Roger, Gaskell reflects the disappearance of Romantic poetry and its substitution with scientific thinking and Realism during the Victorian Era.
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    Code-Switching in the EFL classroom: A case of teacher and learner perspective / İkinci yabancı dil olarak ingilizce öğretilen sınıflarda kod değiştirme: Öğretmen ve öğrenci perspektifi örneği
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2024) Erdem, Kübra
    This mixed-method study aimed to explore teachers’ and learners’ perceptions of using code-switching in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom. The participants consisted of a convenience sample of 138 learners and 6 teachers from the preparatory program of a foundation university in Turkey. Whether learners’ perceptions differed by their gender, age or proficiency level was also investigated. Two questionnaires in the form of a 5-point Likert-scale with several open-ended items were administered to the participating teachers and learners. Findings revealed that EFL teachers and learners perceived the use of code-switching positively. Furthermore, learners’ gender or age had no significant effect on their perceptions of using code-switching; however, proficiency level caused statistically significant differences. Implications may potentially benefit researchers, administrators, teachers and learners employed in the context of higher education.
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    Yabancı dil öğretimine yönelik tutum ölçeği: Bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması / Scale for attitude towards foreign language teaching: A scale development study
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2023) Bilginer Halefoğlu, Selen
    Bu çalışmada, ilköğretim düzeyinde eğitim veren kurumlarda görev yapan öğretmen ve yöneticilerin yabancı dil öğretimine yönelik tutumlarını ölçebilmek ve yabancı dil öğretimine bakış açılarını ortaya çıkarmak için uygulanabilir, geçerli ve güvenilir bir tutum ölçeği geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Yabancı Dil Öğretimi Tutum Ölçeği, yabancı dil öğretimine yönelik tutumu ölçmek amacıyla, alandan uzmanların görüşlerine başvurularak hazırlanmış, 32 maddeden oluşan bir ölçektir. Beşli Likert ölçeği formatında hazırlanan ölçeğin geçerlilik güvenirlik analizi için Münevver Şefik Fergar İlköğretim Okulu ve İbrahim Öktem İlköğretim Okulu’nda 20092010 öğretim yılında uygulanmıştır. Bu okullardan 7si yönetici ve 35i öğretmenlerden oluşan toplam 42 kişi araştırmaya dört hafta ara ile iki defa katılmıştır. Toplam 32 maddeden oluşan ölçeğin maddelerine ait ortalama puan, standart sapma değerleri, faktör analizi ve geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleri yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda 11 maddenin ölçekten çıkarılmasına karar verilmiştir. Ortaya çıkan 21 maddelik ölçek yabancı dil öğretimine yönelik tutumları ölçmek için kullanıma hazır hale gelmiştir.
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    The ımpact of speaking activities on writing skills in english as a foreign language (EFL) / EFL öğrencilerinde yazma becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde konuşma etkinliklerinin rolü
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2023) Ergün Öcel, Gizem
    This study explored the effect of speaking activities on the writing skills of A2-level EFL learners. Two cohorts of 20 students from a university preparatory school participated in this research study. The experimental group attended an 8-week speaking intervention consisting of various activities aimed at promoting spontaneous speaking skills. The comparison group did not receive any formal speaking instruction. After the intervention, both groups were administered a writing test to assess their writing skills. The experimental group performed better than the comparison group on the writing exam by a statistically significant margin. This suggests that engaging in speaking activities can lead to improved writing skills in A2-level EFL learners. The study also explored the potential mechanisms underlying the link between speaking and writing. It was found that speaking activities could help learners develop their fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking skills, which are essential for effective writing. The findings of the study have implications for the pedagogy of English language instruction. Educators should emphasize the development of oral communication skills, even if they are not teaching an integrated curriculum. This is because speaking activities can help students practice and develop the abilities required for good writing. Overall, this study provides evidence that engaging in speaking activities can help A2level EFL learners to improve their writing skills.
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    The matter of bodies: Ableist bodies, disablement and disembodiment in Sylvia Plath’s “Lady Lazarus” and Madeline Miller’s “Galatea” / Bedenler meselesi: Sylvia Plath’ ın “Lady Lazarus” ve Madeline Miller’ ın “Galatea” eserlerinde sağlamcı bedenler, maluliyet ve bedensizleştirme
    (T.C.Maltepe Üniversitesi, 2023) Bayram, Aslı
    This paper aims to offer a reading of two American female writers’, Sylvia Plath and Madeline Miller’s, works “Lazy Lazarus” and “Galatea” through Judith Butler’s body theory on the “matter” of the bodies, what constitutes them, which ones do “matter” and how they are in fact discourse driven within the “male stream” views and power relations. By drawing on to Butlerian views on socially legitimized or stigmatized bodies, linking them to dis/ableist perspectives, the study attempts to analyse common motifs and concepts of medical supervision, hospitalisation of the woman characters, bodily imagery as representations of objectification, embodiment and disembodiment. It is suggested that these views provide the necessary circumstances for one another to prevail. The two texts using already “legit” two characters from religious and ancient contexts present a female perspective for them. The biblical and the mythological characters granted lives by “divine powers” set the bodily context for the control over females who are not regarded as human but objects. Not complying with the norms, the fragmented and objectified bodies of the female personas in the two texts are to be disposed of. The male “diligence” for “saving”, “bettering” and “normalizing” the female bodies confronts the female fend.
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    Rebellion: second generation Bangladeshi immigrants in brick lane by Monica Ali
    (Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 2013) Töngür, Abdullah Nejat
    Brick Lane is one of the few novels which reflect the lives of first and second generation Bangladeshi immigrants in Britain. Although Brick Lane focuses on Nazneen as central character, the novel provides very rich information about the life styles, work patterns, family structure, and cultural, social, economic and religious dynamics of the Bangladeshi community in Brick Lane. Ali also shows that the second-generation young Bangladeshis are distinct with their frequent clashes with their parents, their community or the British society at large. Some of them seek solace and solution either in alcohol, drugs and gangs or they unite in religious communities to endure, to oppose and to revolt against these grievances. The 2001 Race Riots which erupted in several British cities against the police and the system as a whole and the long-distance impact of the 9/11 attacks are coincidental with Shahana’s escape from home in order not to be taken to Bangladesh and these events intermingle.
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    The plight of marginalized women in Khaled Hosseini's a thousand splendid suns in 'the third world feminism'
    (Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 2019) Çevik, Yıldıray; Töngür, Abdullah Nejat
    ‘Third World Feminism’ investigates into the resistance and portrayal of women in literature in the oppressive and marginalizing territories. Postcolonial feminism highlights a tendency towards universalizing women by focusing on the involvement of women in the Western lifestyle in the war-stricken lands where they have been, on the one hand, segregated as inferior; yet, on the other hand, upheld as the instigators of resistance towards the betterment of societies in which the full impact of a misguided patriarchal rule breaks the women down emotionally, who are abused, deceived and controlled. Thus, this paper aims at displaying the observations considering local culture, gender discrimination and female passive resistance as far as collected from Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. The novel depicts the conflicts of identification of the women which pave the way for the degradation applied on the characters. Subsequently, from a postcolonial feministic perspective, the paper attempts to investigate the plights of women, which are enforced on them through the patriarchal components and standards of culture.
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    Independence for Scotland?
    (2013) Töngür, Abdullah Nejat
    The changes in the politics and economy of the United Kingdom in the last 35 years led the Scottish parties to seek more radical solutions for the long-lasting political discussions about the future of Scotland and to voice them unreservedly. After the campaigns, conventions, conversations, commissions, bills, and discussions about the future of Scotland in the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s, and after the Scottish National Party became fully and vigorously committed to and articulate about independence, an agreement between the Westminster government and Holyrood government was signed for a referendum on independence for Scotland which is to be held on 18 September 2014. In consideration of the contentment of the Scottish people with the devolved parliament, the looming uncertainty after independence, the unwillingness to go back to the condition in 1603 and the polls conducted on the outcome of the momentous referendum, a split-up seems unlikely
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    Migration to a consumer society: a short history of tractors in Ukrainian by Marina Lewycka
    (2013) Töngür, Abdullah Nejat; Çevik, Yıldıray
    In A Short Story of Tractors in Ukrainian (2005), Marina Lewycka analyzes the post-war and post-communism Ukrainian immigrant experiences in Britain drawing Ludmilla and Valentina as representatives of two entirely different generations. Lewycka explores the life of a Ukrainian family of an 84-year-old father, his middle-aged daughters and their families, and the memories of a dead mother who migrated to Britain after the World War II. Their lives are complicated by Valentina’s arrival from Ukraine to marry their father in the late 1990s. For Ludmilla and her generation, the primary aim was to survive, and to ’make-do and mend’ after years of persecution, depravation, oppression, fear, and anxiety; however, globalism and growing consumerism have profoundly affected expectations and aspirations of the new generation Ukrainian emigrants like Valentina who fails to survive in Britain despite her painstaking efforts.
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    Use of literature in reading comprehension classes by elt teachers
    (ARF Publication Sourcing, 2014) Özkan, Ahmet; Töngür, Nejat Abdullah
    This study has been conducted to reveal the reasons why ELT teachers use/do not use literature for reading comprehension activities. The study has been conducted with 140 preparatory class instructors working at foundation and state universities in Turkey. The data have been collected through a questionnaire, specifically designed for the study. The data were evaluated on Microsoft Excel 2010. The findings reveal that in general ELT teachers use literature in their reading classes; however, they consider restrictions of the curriculum, insufficient class time, and crowded classes as hindrances. Their perception of literary works to be linguistically difficult, demotivating, and their reliance on teachers to paraphrase, clarify, interpret, and explain appears as other significant reasons for using little or no literature for reading comprehension activities.
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    ‘Sorry of my English’: Lily and Mui in sour sweet and z in a concise Chinese-English dictionary for lovers
    (Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2012) Töngür, Nejat Abdullah
    The cultural aspects, life styles, experiences, beliefs and perspectives of Chinese immigrants and Chinese students in Britain have been incorporated into the literature in English with the arrival of the Chinese immigrants in Britain in the 1960s. Sour Sweet by Timothy Mo, which was first published in 1982, mirrors the Chinese immigrants’ lives in Britain in the 1960s with a focus on the Chen family whereas A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers by Xiaolu Guo is about the struggle of a single Chinese woman to learn English in Britain. The latter was published in 2007 and chronicles monthly how Z learns English in 2003. Despite the temporal gap of 40 years between the novels and the dynamics of the characters’ move to Britain, there are many similarities between the women portrayed in the novels as far as their problems, reactions, emotions, thoughts and change during their experience in Britain are concerned. The female characters in these novels, Lily and Mui in Sour Sweet, and Z in A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers, struggle with problems stemming from Chinese culture, tradition, morality and family structure as well as economic, social and cultural difficulties in Britain. The English language seems to be the most formidable obstacle because their linguistic development takes long time, a great deal of energy and much effort on the part of the characters portrayed in Sour Sweet and A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers not to mention the lack of communication, misunderstandings and subsequent isolation. Inevitably, their social, financial and cultural hindrances are complicated and exacerbated by their inadequate language skills. Indeed, improvement of their foreign language skills, English, takes precedence over social, cultural and economic elements and their survival and success in Britain are consequential to and conditional on speaking English. No matter how eager or resistant they are to the impositions of the British culture, they realize that speaking English is a must in Britain. Although the restaurant business and ensuing isolation in Sour Sweet are detrimental to linguistic development for the first generation immigrants, all Chinese people in these novels are exposed to the unassailable effects of the English language sooner or later. Consequently, Lily and Mui in Sour Sweet and Z in A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers are obliged to develop their English, which parallels their emancipation from male domination. It is obvious that the more adept they become at speaking English, the better and more comfortable their lives become.
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    British imperial rhetoric: pukka sahibs, memsahibs and orientals in burmese days by George Orwell
    (Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2016) Töngür, Nejat Abdullah
    George Orwell’s Burmese Days is set in the colonial town of Kyauktada in Burma in the 1920s when demands for self-rule and independence were articulated vigorously in the sub-continent and Burmese people started to show slight hints of dissent towards the British colonial authority. This study aims at exploring the reflections of the British imperial discourse in the existing cultural, economic, social and psychological barriers between the colonized and the colonial or between the “pukka sahibs” and “memsahibs” and the “orientals” in Burmese Days. After a brief historical insight into the era and ‘British imperial rhetoric’, the second section analyzes how British imperialist discourse undermines their perceptions, ideas, and relationships of all the colonials, male and female, with the colonized and nourishes their ignorance, prejudice and hostility towards the local people. In contrast to the commonly-held perception that “pukka sahibs” and “memsahibs” are fair, honest, decent, impartial, aloof, and incorruptible in their deeds, the male and female British characters populating the novel are afflicted with their contempt, disdain and dislike of the local people whom they are afraid to mix with. The main concern in the third section is to dwell on Flory, who, unlike the other British men and women, does not believe that the colonial regime has a civilizing or educating mission. Instead, he believes that the British colonials are obsessed with uplifting their values, principles and ideals in a colonial station in Burma where they have apparently crouched upon economically, linguistically, socially and culturally. The fourth and the last section probes into the pejorative impact of the dictations and impositions of the dominant discourse upon two local people of power who have internalized the perception that they are inferior, corrupt, and degenerate in comparison to superior, civilized and educated “pukka sahibs” and “memsahibs”. Although the “orientals” desperately and vainly to aspire for and therefore struggle, imitate and adapt to the British people’s life styles, habits, codes, and culture, the picture Orwell draws about the colonial society is alarming as the colonials are comprised of immoral, indecent, unfair, drunk, racist womanizers or husband-hunters in stark contrast to the imperial indoctrination.
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    Augie: a picaro deviation from the picaresque genre in the adventures of augie march by saul bellow
    (2013) Yıldıray, Çevik; Töngür, Abdullah Nejat
    The picaresque novel, as it developed in Spain during the sixteenth century, influenced also modern novels, although it may not contain all the elements of the traditional picaresque genre. This study analyzed the use of picaresque form in The Adventures of Augie March by Bellow in an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of the form in a modern novel. Judging by the characteristics, The Adventures of Augie March exhibited many of the qualities of the traditional picaresque. Augie is a rogue who moves through a series of adventures, which satirize the society he lives in. However, the difference between this modern picaresque and its prototype lies in the purpose of the novel. Augie, unlike the traditional picaro, is searching for a fate which will include both full realization of self and love. Thus, his adventures are steps in his quest rather than self-contained satirical episodes. The analysis of the novel supported the idea that picaresque form is a flexible and resourceful vehicle which offers certain definite advantages to the contemporary author in his portrayal of modern life.