What happens if a mother plays for herself: mother-son interaction as seen through one year young child observation

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This paper explores the dynamics of an interaction between a mother and a little boy through the games played by them as seen through weekly observations lasted for a year. Observations of a young child was first pioneered and developed by Esther Bick at the Tavistock Clinic in London. Observations of a young child serve as one of the cornerstones of some psychoanalytically oriented training programs curriculum. In this program, each student observes a young child between the ages of 2-4 for an hour a week either at home or in a nursery school or day care setting. This particular young child observation presented here was took place at the family’s home. These observations not only provide remarkable insight into the unconscious world of the both players’, but also show the significant effects of play on the personality development.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Psychoanalysis, Play, Mother and young child observation


The International Journal of Social Sciences

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Bademci, H. Ö. (2013). What happens if a mother plays for herself: mother-son interaction as seen through one year young child observation. The International Journal of Social Sciences. 7(1), s. 188-193.